Source code for pylp.constraint

Contains a class for a linear programming constraint.

    >>> from pylp.constraint import Constraint

from contextlib import suppress

[docs]class Constraint: """ Represents a linear programming constraint. """ def __init__(self, lhs, operator: str, rhs) -> None: """ Create a new constraint between lhs and rhs. Args: lhs: The left-hand side of the constraint operator: The boolean operator as a str rhs: The right-hand side of the constraint """ self._constraint = (lhs, operator, rhs) def __str__(self) -> str: lhs, operator, rhs = self._constraint return f'{lhs} {operator} {rhs}' @property def rhs(self): return self._constraint[2] @property def lhs(self): return self._constraint[0] @property def operator(self): return self._constraint[1]
[docs] def construct(self): """Build the constraint for use in the solver.""" lhs, operator, rhs = self._constraint # lhs and rhs may not be expressions with suppress(AttributeError): lhs = lhs.construct() with suppress(AttributeError): rhs = rhs.construct() # Lazy evaluate to avoid errors return { '<=': lambda: lhs <= rhs, '>=': lambda: lhs >= rhs, '<': lambda: lhs < rhs, '>': lambda: lhs > rhs, '==': lambda: lhs == rhs, }[operator]()