
A script for running as part of a CI system.

It currently only runs Pylint on any .py files in the directory. Pylint checks for style and some common errors. See the .pylintrc file for Pylint config options. If you have an objection with the style, make a PR to change it.

To run the script, just do:

$ python

in the same directory as

returns:0 for success, non-zero for failure
rtype:A standard error code
exception ci.CheckError[source]

The CI process detected an error.

ci.get_files_to_check(directory: str) → Iterable[str][source]

Iterate over the files to check in the directory.

Parameters:directory – The directory to check files in
Returns:An iterator over the Python files
ci.lint(file: str) → None[source]

Call pylint on a file.

Parameters:file – The relative path of the file to
ci.main() → None[source]

The main function that runs the script.


Run doctest on all the files.

Returns:The return code of running all the tests.
ci.run_linting() → int[source]

Run pylint on all the files.

Returns:The return code

Run all the system tests.

Returns:The return code