
This notebook covers how to use the PyEHub Evaluator (EvaluatorEH).

[ ]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from besos import pyehub_funcs as pf
from besos.evaluator import EvaluatorEH
from besos.parameters import Parameter, PathSelector
from besos.problem import EHProblem

This evaluator needs an energy hub model, and a problem with parameters that can modify it, and objectives that correspond to outputs from the solution of the model. Parameters are provided as a list of key list mapping lists for the different variables inside the model. Outputs are provided as a list of the keys from the solution of the model.

[ ]:
hub = pf.get_hub()

parameters = [
    Parameter(PathSelector(["LOADS", "Elec"])),
    Parameter(PathSelector(["LOADS", "Heat"])),
objectives = ["total_cost", "total_carbon"]
problem = EHProblem(parameters, objectives)
evaluatorEH = EvaluatorEH(problem, hub)

Input values for overwritting the specified parameters can be given in the form of single values, a dictionary time series, a dataframe of single values, or a dataframe of time series.

[ ]:
default_timeseries = [
        0: 1.0,
        1: 4.0,
        2: 4.0,
        3: 4.0,
        4: 4.0,
        5: 4.0,
        6: 4.0,
        7: 4.0,
        8: 4.0,
        9: 4.0,
        10: 4.0,
        0: 20.0,
        1: 20.0,
        2: 20.0,
        3: 20.0,
        4: 20.0,
        5: 20.0,
        6: 20.0,
        7: 12.0,
        8: 12.0,
        9: 12.0,
        10: 12.0,
modified_heat = [
        0: 1.0,
        1: 4.0,
        2: 4.0,
        3: 4.0,
        4: 4.0,
        5: 4.0,
        6: 4.0,
        7: 4.0,
        8: 4.0,
        9: 4.0,
        10: 4.0,
        0: 18.0,
        1: 18.0,
        2: 18.0,
        3: 18.0,
        4: 18.0,
        5: 18.0,
        6: 18.0,
        7: 16.0,
        8: 16.0,
        9: 16.0,
        10: 16.0,
modified_elec = [
        0: 4.0,
        1: 8.0,
        2: 6.0,
        3: 5.0,
        4: 7.0,
        5: 7.0,
        6: 7.0,
        7: 7.0,
        8: 7.0,
        9: 7.0,
        10: 7.0,
        0: 20.0,
        1: 20.0,
        2: 20.0,
        3: 20.0,
        4: 20.0,
        5: 20.0,
        6: 20.0,
        7: 12.0,
        8: 12.0,
        9: 12.0,
        10: 12.0,
modified_both = [
        0: 4.0,
        1: 8.0,
        2: 6.0,
        3: 5.0,
        4: 7.0,
        5: 7.0,
        6: 7.0,
        7: 7.0,
        8: 7.0,
        9: 7.0,
        10: 7.0,
        0: 18.0,
        1: 18.0,
        2: 18.0,
        3: 18.0,
        4: 18.0,
        5: 18.0,
        6: 18.0,
        7: 16.0,
        8: 16.0,
        9: 16.0,
        10: 16.0,
timeseries_df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.array([default_timeseries, modified_heat, modified_elec, modified_both]),
    columns=["p1", "p2"],

Normally the evaluator can be called directly with the input values but if using a dataframe as input df_apply must be used.

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result = evaluatorEH.df_apply(timeseries_df)
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