Parameter EditorΒΆ

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from besos import pyehub_funcs as pf
from besos.parameters import Parameter, PathSelector
from pyehub.energy_hub.ehub_model import EHubModel
from pyehub.outputter import pretty_print

Parameters are provided as a list of key mapping lists for the different variables inside the model. Input values must be provided as a list of the appropriate datatypes (dictionaries for time series) that match the number of parameters wanted to be changed.

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parameters = [
    Parameter(PathSelector(["LINEAR_CAPITAL_COSTS", "Boiler"])),
    Parameter(PathSelector(["LINEAR_CAPITAL_COSTS", "CHP"])),

values = [200, 600]

Setting up the underlying PyEHub model:

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excel_file = "test_file_all_constraints_work.xlsx"  # name of the excel file. [This must be in the current directory]
model = EHubModel(
)  # instantiate our model. Nothing is solved at this point.

Editing the parameters requires only one function call to pyehub_funcs and the pyehub_parameter_editor providing the model, parameters, and values to be changed.

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pf.pyehub_parameter_editor(model, parameters, values)

Running and outputing is as normal.

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results = model.solve()  # solve the model and get back our results
pretty_print(results)  # print the results to the console
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