Source code for energy_hub.ehub_model

Provides a class for encapsulating an energy hub model.
import inspect
import os
import sys

from itertools import product
from typing import Iterable
import logging
import yaml

import excel_to_request_format
from data_formats import response_format
from data_formats.request_format import Storage
from energy_hub.input_data import InputData
from energy_hub.param_var import ConstantOrVar
from energy_hub.utils import constraint, constraint_list
from pylp import RealVariable, IntegerVariable, BinaryVariable, Status
import pylp

    'Continuous': RealVariable,
    'Integer': IntegerVariable,
    'Binary': BinaryVariable,

    'name': 'glpk',
    'options': {
        'mipgap': 0.05,

[docs]class InfeasibleConstraintError(Exception): """A constraint will always be false.""" def __init__(self, constraint_name: str = None, arguments: tuple = None) -> None: if arguments is None: message = f'Constraint {constraint_name} is False' else: message = f'Constraint {constraint_name}{arguments} is False' super().__init__(message)
# Allow variable docstrings # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement
[docs]class EHubModel: """ Represents a black-box Energy Hub. """ def __init__(self, *, excel=None, request=None, big_m=99999, max_carbon=None): """Create a new Energy Hub using some input data. Args: excel: The Excel 2003 file for input data request: The request format dictionary """ self._data = None self._compiled = False self._objective = None self.BIG_M = big_m self.MAX_CARBON = max_carbon if excel: request = excel_to_request_format.convert(excel) if request: self._data = InputData(request) if self._data: self._constraints = [] self._prepare() else: raise RuntimeError("Can't create a hub with no data.")
[docs] def solve(self, solver_settings: dict = None, is_verbose: bool = False ): """ Solve the model. Args: solver_settings: The config options for the solver is_verbose: Makes it so the solver prints everything Returns: The results """ if solver_settings is None: solver_settings = DEFAULT_SOLVER_SETTINGS solver = solver_settings["name"] if "options" in solver_settings: options = solver_settings["options"] else: options = None if options is None: options = {} if not self._compiled: self.compile() if "solver_path" in solver_settings: solver_path = solver_settings["solver_path"] else: solver_path = None # try: # Use of the solver path is optional, however, # needed when doing cluster submission. print(solver_path) status = pylp.solve(objective=self.objective, constraints=self.constraints, minimize=True, solver=solver, verbose=is_verbose, options=options, solver_path=solver_path,) # except: # print("did not set path or options") # status = pylp.solve(objective=self.objective, # constraints=self.constraints, # minimize=True, # solver=solver, # verbose=is_verbose) attributes = self._public_attributes() return response_format.create_response(status, attributes)
def _prepare(self): self._create_sets() self._add_parameters()
[docs] def recompile(self): """Clear all constraints and variables then compile again.""" self._constraints = [] self._compiled = False self.compile()
[docs] def compile(self): """Build all the constraints and variables of the model.""" self._add_variables() self._add_constraints() self.objective = 'total_cost' self._compiled = True
def _create_sets(self): data = self._data self.time = data.time """The time steps of the model.""" self.technologies = data.converter_names """The names of the converters.""" self.storages = data.storage_names """The names of the storages.""" self.streams = data.stream_names """The names of all streams.""" self.output_streams = data.output_stream_names """The output stream names.""" self.demands = data.demand_stream_names """The demand stream names.""" self.export_streams = data.export_streams """The export stream names.""" self.import_streams = data.import_streams """The export stream names.""" self.stream_timeseries = data.stream_timeseries """The availability time series of certain streams""" self.part_load = data.part_load_techs """The names of the converters that have a part load.""" self.sources = data.source_stream_names """The sources stream names""" def _add_variables(self): self._add_capacity_variables() # Global variables self.energy_input = { t: {tech: RealVariable() for tech in self.technologies} for t in self.time } """The energy that is sent into a converter per time step.""" self.energy_exported = { t: {out: RealVariable() for out in self.export_streams} for t in self.time } """The energy that is exported from the hub per time step.""" self.energy_imported = { t: {out: RealVariable() for out in self.import_streams} for t in self.time } """The energy that is imported from outside the hub per time step.""" self.capacities = ConstantOrVar(self.technologies, model=self, values=self._data.converters_capacity) """ The capacity of each tech. The capacity could either be a constant value or it could be a variable. """ self.is_installed = {tech: BinaryVariable() for tech in self.technologies} """ Is a converter installed? """ self.is_installed_2 = {storage: BinaryVariable() for storage in self.storages} """ Is storage installed? """ self.is_on = { t: {tech: BinaryVariable() for tech in self.part_load} for t in self.time } """ Whether a converter is turned on at a time step. This is only calculated for techs that have a part load limit. """ self.total_cost = RealVariable() """The total cost of the model.""" self.operating_cost = RealVariable() """The operating cost of the model.""" self.maintenance_cost = RealVariable() """The maintenance cost of the model.""" self.investment_cost = RealVariable() """The investment cost of the converters and storages.""" self.total_carbon = RealVariable() """The total carbon produced by the model.""" self.energy_to_storage = { t: {storage: RealVariable() for storage in self.storages} for t in self.time } """The energy sent to the storage at each time step.""" self.energy_from_storage = { t: {storage: RealVariable() for storage in self.storages} for t in self.time } """The energy taken from a storage at each time step.""" last_level = self.time[-1] + 1 self.storage_level = { t: {storage: RealVariable() for storage in self.storages} for t in self.time + [last_level] } """The energy level in each storage at each point in time. Time steps are not points in time, but time intervals. Time step 0 is from time 0 up to, but not including, time 1. Time step 1 is from time 1 up to time 2, and so on. But for storages, we measure the level at each point in time. So for time step 0, we are measuring it at that point in time. The level for time step 1 is at time point 1, and so on. So we need an additional time "step" to measure the level after everything has happened in the last time step. ``` time step 0 time step 1 time step 2 | | | |-------------|-------------|-------------|---... time 0 time 1 time 2 time 3 ``` """ self.storage_capacity = ConstantOrVar( self.storages, model=self, values=self._data.storage_capacity ) """ The capacity of each storage. It can either be a constant value or a variable. """ self.capacity_storage = {storage: self.storage_capacity[storage] for storage in self.storages} """Group storage capacities in a table in the output file """ self.capacity_tech = {tech: self.capacities[tech] for tech in self.technologies} """Group tech capacities in a table in the output file """ def _add_parameters(self): data = self._data # coupling matrix & Technical parameters # coupling matrix technology efficiencies self.CONVERSION_EFFICIENCY = data.c_matrix """ The conversion efficiency for each stream each converter. For example, a converter that takes in Gas and outputs Elec at 100% efficiency has a -1 for Gas and 1 for Elec stream. """ self.MAX_CHARGE_RATE = data.storage_charge """ The maximum charge rate of each storage. This is a constant factor of the charge coming into the storage at each time step. """ self.MAX_DISCHARGE_RATE = data.storage_discharge """ The maximum discharge rate of each storage. This is a constant factor of the charge coming out of the storage at each time step. """ self.STORAGE_STANDING_LOSSES = data.storage_loss """ The decay rate for each storage. For example, if the decay rate was 0.01 then the storage retains 99% of its storage level for each time step. """ self.CHARGING_EFFICIENCY = data.storage_ef_ch """The charging efficiency for each storage.""" self.DISCHARGING_EFFICIENCY = data.storage_ef_disch """The discharging efficiency for each storage.""" self.MIN_STATE_OF_CHARGE = data.storage_min_soc """The minimum amount of energy the storage must have per time step.""" self.PART_LOAD = data.part_load """The part load of each tech if it has it.""" self.CARBON_FACTORS = data.carbon_factors self.CARBON_CREDITS = data.carbon_credits # Cost parameters # Technologies capital costs self.LINEAR_CAPITAL_COSTS = data.linear_cost self.FIXED_CAPITAL_COSTS = data.fixed_capital_costs self.LINEAR_STORAGE_COSTS = data.storage_lin_cost # Operating prices technologies # Maintenance costs for storages self.ANNUAL_MAINTENANCE_STORAGE_COSTS = data.storage_annual_maintenance_cost # Fixed capital costs for storages self.FIXED_CAPITAL_COSTS_STORAGE = data.storage_fixed_capital_cost self.FUEL_PRICES = data.fuel_price """The price of each fuel.""" self.FEED_IN_TARIFFS = data.feed_in """The export price of each fuel.""" # Maintenance costs self.OMV_COSTS = data.variable_maintenance_cost # loads self.LOADS = data.loads """The amount of energy demanded at each time step.""" self.TIME_SERIES = data.time_series_data """All the time series""" self.NET_PRESENT_VALUE_TECH = data.tech_npv """The ratio for the net present value of each converter.""" self.NET_PRESENT_VALUE_STORAGE = data.storage_npv """The ratio for the net present value of each storage.""" @property def objective(self): """The objective "function" of the model.""" # change to carbon to find the min carbon return self._objective @objective.setter def objective(self, new_objective): self._objective = self.__dict__[new_objective] # MAX_CARBON=0 # @constraint() # def max_carbon_level(self): # return self.total_carbon <= float(self.MAX_CARBON)
[docs] @constraint('time', 'streams') def energy_balance(self, t, stream): """ Ensure the loads and exported energy is below the produced energy. Args: t: A time step stream: An output stream """'Stream: {stream}') if stream in self.demands: load = self.LOADS[stream][t] else: load = 0 lhs = load total_q_out = 0 total_q_in = 0 for storage in self._get_storages_from_stream(stream): total_q_in += self.energy_to_storage[t][] total_q_out += self.energy_from_storage[t][] energy_output = 0 for tech in self.technologies: # _get_techs_from_output_stream(stream): # TODO: Account for techs which have two input streams energy_input = self.energy_input[t][tech] conversion_rate = self.CONVERSION_EFFICIENCY[tech][stream] # TODO: Account for CHP which has two output streams energy_output += energy_input * conversion_rate if stream in self.export_streams: energy_exported = self.energy_exported[t][stream] else: energy_exported = 0 if stream in self.import_streams: energy_imported = self.energy_imported[t][stream] #elif stream in self.stream_timeseries: # energy_imported = self.TIME_SERIES[stream][t] else: energy_imported = 0 rhs = energy_output + total_q_out + energy_imported - total_q_in - energy_exported'{lhs} == {rhs}') return lhs == rhs
[docs] @constraint() def calc_total_cost(self): """A constraint for calculating the total cost.""" return self.total_cost == self.investment_cost + self.operating_cost + self.maintenance_cost
[docs] @constraint() def calc_total_carbon(self): """A constraint for calculating the total carbon produced.""" total_carbon_credits = 0 for stream in self.export_streams: # if carbon credits for a stream are a time series if self.CARBON_CREDITS[stream] in self.TIME_SERIES: for t in self.time: carbon_credit = self.TIME_SERIES[self.CARBON_CREDITS[stream]][t] energy_exported = self.energy_exported[t][stream] total_carbon_credits += carbon_credit * energy_exported else: total_energy_exported = sum(self.energy_exported[t][stream] for t in self.time) carbon_credit = self.CARBON_CREDITS[stream] total_carbon_credits += carbon_credit * total_energy_exported total_carbon_emissions = 0 for stream in self.import_streams: # if carbon factors for a stream are a time series if self.CARBON_FACTORS[stream] in self.TIME_SERIES: for t in self.time: carbon_factor = self.TIME_SERIES[self.CARBON_FACTORS[stream]][t] energy_used = self.energy_imported[t][stream] total_carbon_emissions += carbon_factor * energy_used else: total_energy_used = sum(self.energy_imported[t][stream] for t in self.time) carbon_factor = self.CARBON_FACTORS[stream] total_carbon_emissions += carbon_factor * total_energy_used return self.total_carbon == total_carbon_emissions - total_carbon_credits
[docs] @constraint() def calc_investment_cost(self): """A constraint for calculating the investment cost.""" storage_cost = sum(self.NET_PRESENT_VALUE_STORAGE[storage] * self.LINEAR_STORAGE_COSTS[storage] * self.storage_capacity[storage] + self.FIXED_CAPITAL_COSTS_STORAGE[storage] * self.is_installed_2[storage] for storage in self.storages) tech_cost = sum(self.NET_PRESENT_VALUE_TECH[tech] * (self.LINEAR_CAPITAL_COSTS[tech] * self.capacities[tech] + self.FIXED_CAPITAL_COSTS[tech] * self.is_installed[tech]) for tech in self.technologies) cost = tech_cost + storage_cost return self.investment_cost == cost
[docs] @constraint() def calc_maintenance_cost(self): """A constraint for calculating the maintenance cost.""" cost = 0 for t in self.time: for tech in self.technologies: for energy in self.output_streams: cost += (self.energy_input[t][tech] * self.CONVERSION_EFFICIENCY[tech][energy] * self.OMV_COSTS[tech]) for storage in self.storages: cost += self.ANNUAL_MAINTENANCE_STORAGE_COSTS[storage] * self.is_installed_2[storage] return self.maintenance_cost == cost
[docs] @constraint() def calc_operating_cost(self): """A constraint for calculating the total operating cost.""" total_export_income = 0 for stream in self.export_streams: # If the price is time series if self.FEED_IN_TARIFFS[stream] in self.TIME_SERIES: for t in self.time: price = self.TIME_SERIES[self.FEED_IN_TARIFFS[stream]][t] energy_exported = self.energy_exported[t][stream] total_export_income += price * energy_exported else: total_energy_exported = sum(self.energy_exported[time][stream] for time in self.time) price = self.FEED_IN_TARIFFS[stream] total_export_income += price * total_energy_exported total_fuel_bill = 0 for stream in self.import_streams: # If the price is a time series if self.FUEL_PRICES[stream] in self.TIME_SERIES: for t in self.time: price = self.TIME_SERIES[self.FUEL_PRICES[stream]][t] energy_used = self.energy_imported[t][stream] total_fuel_bill += price * energy_used else: total_energy_used = sum(self.energy_imported[time][stream] for time in self.time) price = self.FUEL_PRICES[stream] total_fuel_bill += price * total_energy_used return self.operating_cost == total_fuel_bill - total_export_income
[docs] @constraint('technologies') def tech_is_installed(self, tech): """ Set binary to 1 if capacity of tech is > 0. Args: tech: A converter """ capacity = self.capacities[tech] rhs = self.BIG_M * self.is_installed[tech]'{capacity} <= {rhs}') return capacity <= rhs
[docs] @constraint('technologies') def tech_is_installed_2(self, tech): """ Set binary to 1 if capacity of tech is > 0. Args: tech: A converter """ installed = self.is_installed[tech] lhs = self.BIG_M * self.capacities[tech]'{lhs} >= {installed}') return lhs >= installed
[docs] @constraint('storages') def storage_is_installed(self, storage): """ Set binary to 1 if capacity of storage is > 0. Args: storage: A storage """ capacity = self.storage_capacity[storage] rhs = self.BIG_M * self.is_installed_2[storage] return capacity <= rhs
[docs] @constraint('storages') def storage_is_installed_2(self, storage): """ Set binary to 1 if capacity of storage is > 0. Args: storage: A storage """ installed = self.is_installed_2[storage] lhs = self.BIG_M * self.storage_capacity[storage] return lhs >= installed
[docs] @constraint('time', 'part_load', 'output_streams') def tech_is_on(self, t, disp, out): """ Set binary to on if tech is active. Args: t: A time step disp: A dispatch tech out: An output energy stream """ energy_input = self.energy_input[t][disp] is_on = self.is_on[t][disp] lhs = energy_input #* conversion_rate rhs = self.BIG_M * is_on'{lhs} <= {rhs}') return lhs <= rhs
[docs] @constraint('time', 'part_load', 'output_streams') def tech_is_on_2(self, t, disp, out): """ Set binary to on if tech is active. Args: t: A time step disp: A dispatch tech out: An output energy stream """ energy_input = self.energy_input[t][disp] is_on = self.is_on[t][disp] lhs = self.BIG_M * energy_input #* conversion_rate rhs = is_on return lhs >= rhs
[docs] @constraint('time', 'part_load', 'output_streams') def tech_part_loads(self, t, disp, out): """ Args: t: A time step disp: A dispatch tech out: An output energy stream """ conversion_rate = self.CONVERSION_EFFICIENCY[disp][out] if conversion_rate <= 0: return None part_load = self.PART_LOAD[disp][out] capacity = self.capacities[disp] energy_input = self.energy_input[t][disp] is_on = self.is_on[t][disp] lhs = part_load * capacity rhs = (energy_input * conversion_rate + self.BIG_M * (1 - is_on)) return lhs <= rhs
# TODO: Separate out tech-level energy balance - define over tech and streams? # @constraint('time', 'technologies') # def tech_balance(self, t, tech): # """ # Energy output from a converter is the input time the efficiency. # # Args: # t: A time step # tech: A converter technology # """ # energy_output = self.energy_output[t][tech] # for stream in self.output_streams: # energy_input = self.energy_input[t][tech] # conversion_rate = self.CONVERSION_EFFICIENCY[tech][stream] # # return energy_output == energy_input * conversion_rate
[docs] @constraint('time', 'technologies') def tech_input_below_capacity(self, t, tech): """ Ensure the energy input by a tech is less than its capacity. Args: t: A time step tech: A converter """ energy_input = self.energy_input[t][tech] capacity = self.capacities[tech] techinput = next(self._get_tech_input(tech)) # Get name of input stream if techinput[0] in self.sources: timecap = self.TIME_SERIES[techinput[0]][t] return energy_input == timecap * capacity else: return energy_input <= capacity
[docs] @constraint('time', 'technologies') def tech_input_positive(self, t, tech): """Energy input to tech should be positive.""" return self.energy_input[t][tech] >= 0
[docs] @constraint('time', 'export_streams') def tech_export_positive(self, t, stream): """Energy exported should be positive.""" return self.energy_exported[t][stream] >= 0
[docs] @constraint('time', 'import_streams') def tech_import_positive(self, t, stream): """Energy exported should be positive.""" return self.energy_imported[t][stream] >= 0
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_level_below_capacity(self, t, storage): """ Ensure the storage's level is below the storage's capacity. Args: t: A time step storage: A storage """ storage_level = self.storage_level[t][storage] storage_capacity = self.storage_capacity[storage] return storage_level <= storage_capacity
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_level_above_minimum(self, t, storage): """ Ensure the storage level is above it's minimum level. Args: t: A time step storage: A storage """ storage_capacity = self.storage_capacity[storage] min_soc = self.MIN_STATE_OF_CHARGE[storage] storage_level = self.storage_level[t][storage] min_storage_level = storage_capacity * min_soc return min_storage_level <= storage_level
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_discharge_rate(self, t, storage): """ Ensure the discharge rate of a storage is below it's maximum rate. Args: t: A time step storage: A storage """ max_discharge_rate = self.MAX_DISCHARGE_RATE[storage] storage_capacity = self.storage_capacity[storage] discharge_rate = self.energy_from_storage[t][storage] max_rate = max_discharge_rate * storage_capacity return discharge_rate <= max_rate
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_charge_rate(self, t, storage): """ Ensure the charge rate of a storage is below it's maximum rate. Args: t: A time step storage: A storage """ max_charge_rate = self.MAX_CHARGE_RATE[storage] storage_capacity = self.storage_capacity[storage] charge_rate = self.energy_to_storage[t][storage] max_rate = max_charge_rate * storage_capacity return charge_rate <= max_rate
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_balance(self, t, storage): """ Calculate the current storage level from the previous level. Args: t: A time step storage: A storage """ # See the storage_level declaration for more details next_storage_level = self.storage_level[t + 1][storage] current_storage_level = self.storage_level[t][storage] storage_standing_loss = self.STORAGE_STANDING_LOSSES[storage] discharge_rate = self.DISCHARGING_EFFICIENCY[storage] charge_rate = self.CHARGING_EFFICIENCY[storage] charge_in = self.energy_to_storage[t][storage] charge_out = self.energy_from_storage[t][storage] calculated_next_storage_level = ( ((1 - storage_standing_loss) * current_storage_level) + (charge_rate * charge_in) - ((1 / discharge_rate) * charge_out) ) return next_storage_level == calculated_next_storage_level
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_input_positive(self, t, storage): """Energy to storage should be positive.""" return self.energy_to_storage[t][storage] >= 0
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_output_positive(self, t, storage): """Energy from the storages should be positive.""" return self.energy_from_storage[t][storage] >= 0
[docs] @constraint('time', 'storages') def storage_level_positive(self, t, storage): """Storages' levels should be above zero.""" return self.storage_level[t][storage] >= 0
[docs] @constraint('storages') def storage_looping(self, storage): """Ensure that the storage level at the beginning is equal to it's end level.""" # See the storage_level declaration last_entry = list(self.time)[-1] + 1 first_entry = list(self.time)[0] start_level = self.storage_level[first_entry][storage] end_level = self.storage_level[last_entry][storage] return start_level == end_level
[docs] @constraint_list() def capacity_bounds(self): """Ensure the capacities are within their given bounds.""" for capacity in self._data.capacities: variable = getattr(self, lower_bound = capacity.lower_bound upper_bound = capacity.upper_bound if lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is not None: yield lower_bound <= variable yield variable <= upper_bound elif lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is None: yield lower_bound <= variable elif lower_bound is None and upper_bound is not None: yield variable <= upper_bound else: raise RuntimeError
[docs] @constraint() def max_carbon_level(self): """Constraint to set a max carbon cap.""" if self.MAX_CARBON is not None: return self.total_carbon <= float(self.MAX_CARBON)
# ***************************************************************************************************************** # EVERYTHING BELOW HERE IS A HELPER FUNCTION, NOT PART OF THE MODEL # ***************************************************************************************************************** def _get_storages_from_stream(self, out: str) -> Iterable[Storage]: return (storage for storage in self._data.storages if == out) def _get_techs_from_output_stream(self, out: str): return ( for tech in self._data.converters if tech.outputs == out) def _get_tech_input(self, techname: str): for tech in self._data.converters: if == techname: yield tech.inputs def _add_constraint_to_constraints(self, constraint_): # Comparing to True and False is bad, but expression can # be many types if constraint_ is True: return elif constraint_ is False: raise InfeasibleConstraintError() elif constraint_ is not None: self.constraints.append(constraint_) def _add_indexed_constraints(self): """Add all the constraint decorated functions to the model.""" methods = [getattr(self, method) for method in dir(self) if callable(getattr(self, method))] rules = (rule for rule in methods if hasattr(rule, 'is_constraint')) for rule in rules: if not rule.enabled:'Constraint: {rule.__name__} NOT ENABLED') continue'Constraint: {rule.__name__}') if not rule.args: # Constraint is not indexed by anything expression = rule() try: self._add_constraint_to_constraints(expression) except InfeasibleConstraintError: raise InfeasibleConstraintError(rule.__name__) else: sets = [getattr(self, arg) for arg in rule.args] for indices in product(*sets): expression = rule(*indices) try: self._add_constraint_to_constraints(expression) except InfeasibleConstraintError: raise InfeasibleConstraintError(rule.__name__, indices) def _add_constraint_lists(self): methods = [getattr(self, method) for method in dir(self) if callable(getattr(self, method))] rules = (rule for rule in methods if hasattr(rule, 'is_constraint_list')) for rule in rules: if not rule.enabled:'Constraint List: {rule.__name__} NOT ENABLED') continue'Constraint List: {rule.__name__}') for expression in rule(): self.constraints.append(expression) def _add_constraints(self): self._add_indexed_constraints() self._add_constraint_lists() def _add_capacity_variables(self): for capacity in self._data.capacities: domain = capacity.domain name = try: variable = DOMAIN_TO_VARIABLE[domain]() except KeyError: raise ValueError( f'Cannot create variable of type: {domain}. Can only be: ' f'{list(DOMAIN_TO_VARIABLE.keys())}' ) setattr(self, name, variable) @property def constraints(self): """The list of constraints on the model.""" return self._constraints @constraints.setter def constraints(self, constraints): """Set the constraints of the model.""" self._constraints = constraints @property def solution_dict(self): fake_status = Status(status='', time=0) attributes = self._public_attributes() response = response_format.create_response(fake_status, attributes) return response['solution'] def _public_attributes(self): return {name: value for name, value in self.__dict__.items() if not name.startswith('_')}