Source code for outputter

A script for outputting the results of a PyEHub model.

Outputs can be stored to an excel spreadsheet or printed to the console.

import collections
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Union
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from openpyxl import load_workbook

EXCEL_ENGINE = 'openpyxl'

[docs] def to_dataframes(frames: dict) -> OrderedDict: """ Convert the values of a dictionary into dataframes if they can be converted. Args: frames: The dictionary to be converted Returns: An ordered dictionary with dataframes as values (if they can be converted). """ for name, value in frames.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): value = to_dataframe(name, value) frames[name] = value return OrderedDict(sorted(frames.items()))
[docs] def to_dataframe(name: str, value: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert a dictionary into a dataframe. Args: name: The name for the dataframe value: The dictionary to be converted Returns: A Pandas DataFrame. """ value = sort_dict(value) value = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(value, orient='index') # To remove confusion on what the column '0' means if list(value.columns) == [0]: value.columns = [name] # Make wide matrices fit on the screen num_rows, num_columns = value.shape if num_columns > num_rows: value = value.T return value
def _create_sheet(excel_writer: pd.ExcelWriter, sheet_name: str): """ Create an Excel sheet with the given name. Args: excel_writer: The ExcelWriter object sheet_name: The name of the new sheet Returns: The worksheet for the new sheet """ # Create an empty dataframe just so that we can create a sheet pd.DataFrame().to_excel(excel_writer, sheet_name) return excel_writer.sheets[sheet_name]
[docs] def output_excel(solution: dict, file_name: str, time_steps: int = None, sheets:list = None): """ Output the solution dictionary to an Excel file. It outputs the time series data in their own sheet with the rest being put into another sheet. Args: solution: A dictionary of the solution part of the response format. This contains the variables and parameters of the solved model. file_name: The name of the Excel file to write to time_steps: Optional. The number of time steps to classify a dataframe as holding time series data. sheets: A list of all the sheets to be contained in the excel file. """ excel_writer = pd.ExcelWriter(file_name, engine=EXCEL_ENGINE) attributes = to_dataframes(solution) def _has_time_series_data(value): if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame): num_rows, _ = value.shape return time_steps and num_rows >= time_steps return False time_series = {name: value for name, value in attributes.items() if _has_time_series_data(value)} non_time_series = {name: value for name, value in attributes.items() if name not in time_series} for name, value in time_series.items(): value.to_excel(excel_writer, f'{name}') #: Set first_sheet to "Other" if sheets is not passed, otherwise set it to #: the first item in sheets. first_sheet = 'Other' if sheets is None else sheets[0] #: If sheets is passed, then pass all the sheets except the first as additional sheets. if sheets is not None: _dict_to_excel_sheet(excel_writer, first_sheet, non_time_series, padding=1, additional_sheets= sheets[1:]) else: #: Otherwise dont sent any value for additional sheets, as none have been provided. _dict_to_excel_sheet(excel_writer, first_sheet, non_time_series, padding=1)
def _dict_to_excel_sheet(excel_writer, sheet_name, non_time_series, padding=0, additional_sheets: list=None): """ Output a dictionary to an excel sheet. Args: excel_writer: The ExcelWriter object sheet_name: The name of the sheet to output to non_time_series: The dictionary of data padding: The padding between key, value pairs additional_sheets: a list containing names of other sheets to potentially be added to the excel document. """ hold_row = 1 row = 1 hold_sheet_name = sheet_name sheet = _create_sheet(excel_writer, sheet_name) hold_sheet = sheet for name, value in non_time_series.items(): if additional_sheets is not None and name in additional_sheets: hold_row = row row = 1 sheet = _create_sheet(excel_writer, name) sheet_name = name if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame): num_rows, num_cols = value.shape # Compensate for empty Excel row of dataframes. No idea why. Gee thanks # Also handle case for when printing first value in sheet. startrow = max(row - 1, 1) value.to_excel(excel_writer, sheet_name, startrow=startrow) if num_cols > 1: # Output variable name if not in column header sheet.cell(row=row, column=1).value = name row += num_rows + 1 # Add row for column headers else: sheet.cell(row=row, column=1).value = name if not isinstance(value, collections.Iterable): # Simplify writing column values value = [value] for col, x in enumerate(value, start=2): sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).value = str(x) row += 1 if sheet_name != hold_sheet_name: sheet_name = hold_sheet_name row = hold_row sheet = hold_sheet row += padding sheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = EXCEL_FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH
[docs] def pretty_print(results: dict) -> None: """Print the results in a prettier format. Args: results: The results dictionary to print """ version = results['version'] solver = results['solver'] print("Version: {}".format(version)) print("Solver") print(f"\ttermination condition: {solver['termination_condition']}") if solver['termination_condition']!='Infeasible': print(f"\ttime: {solver['time']}") print("Solution") print_section('Stuff', results['solution'].copy())
[docs] def sort_dict(mapping: Union[dict, OrderedDict]) -> OrderedDict: """ Sorts a dictionary and all its sub-dicionaries as well. Examples: >>> sort_dict({1: 'a', 3: 'c', 2: 'b'}) OrderedDict([(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]) >>> sort_dict({1: {3: 'c', 2: 'b', 1: 'a'}}) OrderedDict([(1, OrderedDict([(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]))]) Args: mapping: The dictionary to be sorted Returns: The sorted dictionary as an OrderedDict """ if not isinstance(mapping, dict): return mapping for key, value in mapping.items(): mapping[key] = sort_dict(value) return OrderedDict(sorted(mapping.items()))
[docs] def stream_info(results, output_file): """ New output format with the information separated in different sheets for different streams. :param results: the solved model :param output_file: the output excel file """ solution = results['solution'] streams = solution['streams'] load = solution['LOADS'] energy_from_storage = solution['energy_from_storage'] energy_to_storage = solution['energy_to_storage'] energy_exported = solution['energy_exported'] energy_imported = solution['energy_imported'] demands = solution['demands'] time = len(solution['time']) export_streams = solution['export_streams'] import_streams = solution['import_streams'] storages = solution['storages'] storage_level = solution['storage_level'] n = len(storages) with pd.ExcelWriter(output_file, engine=EXCEL_ENGINE) as writer: = load_workbook(output_file) keep = ['other', 'TIME_SERIES', 'energy_input', 'capacity_tech', 'capacity_storage'] for sheet_name in if sheet_name not in keep: del[sheet_name] for stream in streams: if stream in demands: df = pd.DataFrame({ stream + " Load": [load[stream][t] for t in range(time)]}) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=stream, startrow=time + 2) df1 = pd.DataFrame({ "energy_from " + storage: [energy_from_storage[storage][t] for t in range(time)] for storage in storages}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({ "energy_to " + storage: [energy_to_storage[storage][t] for t in range(time)] for storage in storages}) df3 = pd.DataFrame({ "level " + storage: [storage_level[storage][t] for t in range(time)] for storage in storages}) df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=stream, ) df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=stream, startcol=n + 2) df3.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=stream, startcol=2*(n + 2)) if stream in import_streams: df4 = pd.DataFrame({ stream + " imported": [energy_imported[stream][t] for t in range(time)]}) df4.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=stream, startrow=time + 2, startcol=4) if stream in export_streams: df5 = pd.DataFrame({ stream + " exported": [energy_exported[stream][t] for t in range(time)]}) df5.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=stream, startrow=time + 2, startcol=7)
[docs] def plot_storages(results: dict, **kwargs) -> None: """ Plots various variables related to storages: storage state: The level of energy remaining in the storage. gross charge(charge from stream): Energy sent to storage from stream for charging. gross discharge(discharge to stream): Energy going into stream after discharging. net charge: Energy actually reaching storage(after loss of gross charge due to charging efficiency). net discharge: Energy actually leaving storage(after loss from this due to discharging efficiency, it becomes gross discharge). decay loss(standing loss): Energy dissipating due to standing losses. Note: All of the above are plotted as default. You can change this by passing respective arguments. Args: results: dictionary; returned by solve() method. pl_state: boolean value; whether to plot 'storage state' or not. pl_gross_ch: boolean value; whether to plot 'gross charge' or not. pl_gross_dch: boolean value; whether to plot 'gross discharge' or not. pl_net_ch: boolean value; whether to plot 'net charge' or not. pl_net_dch: boolean value; whether to plot 'net discharge' or not. pl_decay: boolean value; whether to plot 'decay loss' or not. size: tuple; (width, height) of the plot [default is (10,5)]. percentage: boolean; y-axis units in % or in kWh [default]. """ solution_section = results['solution'].copy() attributes = to_dataframes(solution_section) pl_state = kwargs.get('pl_state', True) pl_gross_ch = kwargs.get('pl_gross_ch', True) pl_gross_dch = kwargs.get('pl_gross_dch', True) pl_net_ch = kwargs.get('pl_net_ch', True) pl_net_dch = kwargs.get('pl_net_dch', True) pl_decay = kwargs.get('pl_decay', True) size = kwargs.get('size', (10, 5)) if size[0] == 0 or size[1] == 0: raise ValueError("Please pass non-zero values in the 'size' tuple.") percentage = kwargs.get('percentage', False) for storage in attributes['storages']: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey=True, figsize=size) fig.text(0.524, 0.02, 'Timesteps (-)', ha='center', va='center') if percentage: fig.text(0.01, 0.5, 'Storage state [%]', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') else: fig.text(0.01, 0.5, 'Storage state (kWh)', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') fig.text(0.5, 0.97, storage, ha='center', va='center') ax = axes[0] ax1 = axes[1] ser_storage_state = attributes['storage_level'][storage] ser_gross_charge = attributes['energy_to_storage'][storage] ser_gross_discharge = -attributes['energy_from_storage'][storage] eff_charge = attributes['CHARGING_EFFICIENCY']['CHARGING_EFFICIENCY'][storage] eff_discharge = attributes['DISCHARGING_EFFICIENCY']['DISCHARGING_EFFICIENCY'][storage] decay = attributes['STORAGE_STANDING_LOSSES']['STORAGE_STANDING_LOSSES'][storage] capacity = attributes['capacity_storage']['capacity_storage'][storage] ser_net_discharge = 0 ser_net_charge = ser_gross_charge.multiply(eff_charge) if eff_discharge != 0: ser_net_discharge = ser_gross_discharge.divide(eff_discharge) decay_loss = -ser_storage_state.multiply(decay)[:-1] d = {'storage state': ser_storage_state, 'charge from stream': ser_gross_charge, 'net charge': ser_net_charge, 'discharge to stream': ser_gross_discharge, 'net discharge': ser_net_discharge, 'standing loss': decay_loss} df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) if percentage: if capacity != 0: df = (df.div(capacity)).mul(100) if pl_state: df['storage state'].plot(kind='bar', title=' ', ax=ax, color='deepskyblue', legend=True) if pl_gross_ch: df['charge from stream'].plot(drawstyle='steps-post', title=' ', color='lightgreen', linewidth=3, ax=ax1, legend = True) if pl_net_ch: df['net charge'].plot(drawstyle='steps-post', title=' ', color='green', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, ax=ax1, legend=True) if pl_gross_dch: df['discharge to stream'].plot(drawstyle='steps-post', title=' ', color='orange', linewidth=3, ax=ax1, legend=True) if pl_net_dch: df['net discharge'].plot(drawstyle='steps-post', title=' ', color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, ax=ax1, legend=True) if pl_decay: df['standing loss'].plot(kind='bar', title=' ', color='saddlebrown', ax=ax, legend=True) ax1.set_xticks(df.index[:-1]) ax.set_xticks(df.index) if pl_state or pl_gross_ch or pl_net_ch or pl_gross_dch \ or pl_net_dch or pl_decay: plt.legend(loc='best') for ax in fig.axes: plt.xticks(rotation=0)
[docs] def plot_energy_balance(model, results: dict, **kwargs) -> None: """ Visualization of energy balance for all the streams, i.e., Plots the energy interactions of all the streams with loads, converters, storages, imports and exports. Plots are dashed and marked with shape markers for visibility in case of overlap. Adjust the properties of the plot by passing arguments from below. Args: model: The object of EHubModel class (or any child class thereof); the energy hub model. results: dictionary; returned by solve() method. size: tuple; (width, height) of the plot [default is (9,5)]. lw: float; linewidth of the plots [default is 2]. dl: float; length of the dashes constituting the dashed plots [default is 3]. """ attributes = results['solution'].copy() streams_wo_sources = [x for x in model.streams if x not in model.sources] size = kwargs.get('size', (9, 5)) if size[0] == 0 or size[1] == 0: raise ValueError("Please pass non-zero values in the 'size' tuple.") lw = kwargs.get('lw', 2) dl = kwargs.get('dl', 3) for stream in streams_wo_sources: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=size) dict_data_pos = {} dict_data_neg = {} for t in model.time: curr_neg = curr_pos = 0 if stream in model.demands: load = model.LOADS[stream][t] curr_neg += (-load) place_in_dict(t, model, dict_data_neg, 'LOAD', curr_neg) for storage in model._get_storages_from_stream(stream): q_out = float(attributes['energy_to_storage'][t][]) curr_neg += (-q_out) q_in = float(attributes['energy_from_storage'][t][]) curr_pos += q_in place_in_dict(t, model, dict_data_neg, 'To '' (S)', curr_neg) place_in_dict(t, model, dict_data_pos, 'From '' (S)', curr_pos) for tech in model.technologies: conversion_rate = float(attributes['CONVERSION_EFFICIENCY'][tech][stream]) if conversion_rate < 0: energy_input = float(attributes['energy_input'][t][tech]) curr_neg += (-energy_input) place_in_dict(t, model, dict_data_neg, 'To '+tech+' (C)', curr_neg) if conversion_rate > 0: energy_input = float(attributes['energy_input'][t][tech]) energy_output = energy_input * conversion_rate curr_pos += energy_output place_in_dict(t, model, dict_data_pos, 'From '+tech+' (C)', curr_pos) if stream in model.export_streams: energy_exported = attributes['energy_exported'][t][stream] curr_neg += (-energy_exported) place_in_dict(t, model, dict_data_neg, 'Exported', curr_neg) if stream in model.import_streams: energy_imported = attributes['energy_imported'][t][stream] curr_pos += energy_imported place_in_dict(t, model, dict_data_pos, 'Imported', curr_pos) # --------------------------------Plot Demands---------------------------------- x = 1 y = 1 mk_c = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] mk_s = ['*', 'P'] mk_index_c = 0 mk_index_s = 0 for label, data in dict_data_neg.items(): if label.endswith('LOAD'): ds = () mk = 's' ms = 7 if label.endswith('(C)'): ds = (dl, x) x += 1 mk = mk_c[mk_index_c % 4] mk_index_c += 1 ms = 12 if label.endswith('(S)'): ds = (dl, y, 1, y) y += 1 mk = mk_s[mk_index_s % 2] mk_index_s += 1 ms = 7.5 if label.endswith('Exported'): mk = '|' ds = (dl, 1, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 1) ms = 12 ax.plot(data, label=label, linewidth=lw, dashes=ds, marker=mk, markersize=ms) handle_demand, label_demand = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # --------------------------------Plot Supplies---------------------------------- x = 1.2 y = 1.2 mk_c = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] mk_s = ['+', 'x'] mk_index_c = 0 mk_index_s = 0 for label, data in dict_data_pos.items(): if label.endswith('(C)'): ds = (dl, x) x += 1 mk = mk_c[mk_index_c % 4] mk_index_c += 1 ms = 12 if label.endswith('(S)'): ds = (dl, y, 1, y) y += 1 mk = mk_s[mk_index_s % 2] mk_index_s += 1 ms = 12 if label.endswith('Imported'): ds = (dl, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) mk = '|' ms = 12 ax.plot(data, label=label, linewidth=lw, dashes=ds, marker=mk, markersize=ms) ax.set(title=stream, xticks=model.time, xlabel='Timesteps (-)', ylabel=stream + ' (kWh)') # To have 'Demands' and 'Supplies' titles, we need a blank handle blank_handle = [plt.plot([], marker="", ls="")[0]] handle_supply, label_supply = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Update handles and labels for 'Supplies' by removing 'Demands' handles and labels from them handle_supply = handle_supply[len(handle_demand):] label_supply = label_supply[len(label_demand):] handles = blank_handle + handle_demand + blank_handle*2 + handle_supply labels = ["$\\bf{Demands}$"] + label_demand + [" "] + ["$\\bf{Supplies}$"] + label_supply plt.legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), labels=labels, handles=handles)
[docs] def place_in_dict(t, model, dictionary: dict, key: str, value): """Appends an entry in the list corresponding to key if key exists in dictionary. Otherwise creates a single entry in the dictionary as {key: [value]}""" if t == model.time[0]: dictionary.update({key: [value]}) else: dictionary[key].append(value)