
Provides functionality for handling the request format for using in the EHubModel.

class energy_hub.input_data.InputData(request: dict)[source]

Provides convenient access to needed data to implement an energy hub model.

property c_matrix: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]

Return a dictionary-format for the C matrix.

The format is like {converter name: {stream name: …}, …}

property capacities: List[Capacity]

The list of capacities.

property carbon_credits: Dict[str, float | str]

The carbon credit of each stream.

property carbon_factors: Dict[str, float | str]

The carbon factor of each stream.

property converter_names: List[str]

Return the names of the converters.

property converters: List[Converter]

The list of converters.

property converters_capacity: Dict[str, float]

Return the capacities of the converters.

property demand_stream_names

The sorted list of demand streams names.

property demands: Iterable[TimeSeries]

Return the TimeSeries that are demands.

property export_streams: List[str]

The names of streams that are exportable.

property feed_in: Dict[str, float | str]

The export price of each output stream.

property fixed_capital_costs: Dict[str, float]

Return the fixed capital cost for each converter.

property fuel_price: Dict[str, float | str]

Return the price of each fuel.

property import_streams: List[str]

The names of streams that are importable.

property interest_rate: float

The interest rate.

property linear_cost: Dict[str, float]

Return the linear cost for each tech.

Return the capacities of the converters.

Return the id of the end node

Returns the length of each link

Return the reactance of each link

Return the id of the start node

Return the thermal loss of each link

Return the type of each link

Returns a list of id of all the links

property loads: Dict[str, Dict[int, float]]

The data for all demands as a dictionary that is indexed by (demand time series ID, time).

property output_stream_names

The sorted list of output streams names.

property part_load: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]

Return the part load for each tech and each of its outputs.

property part_load_techs: List[str]

The names of the converters that have a part load.

property source: Iterable[TimeSeries]

Return the TimeSeries that are sources.

property source_stream_names

The sorted list of source streams names.

property storage_annual_maintenance_cost: Dict[str, float]

Returns annual maintenance cost of each storage

property storage_capacity

The capacity of each storage.

property storage_charge: Dict[str, float]

The maximum charge of each storage.

property storage_discharge: Dict[str, float]

The maximum discharge of each storage.

property storage_ef_ch: Dict[str, float]

The charging efficiency of each storage.

property storage_ef_disch: Dict[str, float]

The discharging efficiency of each storage.

property storage_fixed_capital_cost: Dict[str, float]

Returns fixed capital cost of each storage

property storage_lin_cost: Dict[str, float]

The linear cost of each storage.

property storage_loss: Dict[str, float]

The decay of each storage.

property storage_min_soc: Dict[str, float]

The minimum state of charge of each storage.

property storage_names: List[str]

Return the names of the storages.

property storage_npv: Dict[str, float]

The net present value of each storage.

property storages: List[Storage]

The list of storages.

property stream_names: List[str]

Return the names of the streams.

property stream_timeseries: Dict[str, float]

Return the streams that have an availability timeseries.

property streams: List[Stream]

The list of streams.

property tech_npv: Dict[str, float]

The net present value of each converter.

property time: List[int]

Return the time steps of the model.

property time_series_data: Dict[str, Dict[int, float]]

The data for the availability time series as a dictionary that is indexed by time.

property time_series_list: List[TimeSeries]

The list of time series.

property variable_maintenance_cost: Dict[str, float]

The variable maintenance cost of each converter.